Insurance 101

Insurance is the warranty for when life hands you the unexpected. Hopefully you will never need to cash in on it, but having it means you can sleep a little easier at night. There are a multitude of insurances that a person should explore when developing their estate plan and planning for their future–and the future of their children and their children’s children.

In this video you will learn why, what and how to ensure you have the right protection in place for your family.

In this video you will learn:

  • Why your insurance need is directly tied to your estate planning needs

  • How different insurance relates to your wealth creation

  • The four types of insurance you need to consider

  • How and where superannuation fits into the insurance equation

  • Why you should always speak with an independent advisor before committing to any insurance

  • How to balance the cost of insurance

This is an issue that most people don’t like to think about, but when correctly set up, insurance will give you and your family peace of mind that money will be the last worry if an unexpected illness, accident or death befalls you.

Dom Schuh can help you find the correct cover for your situation, so that you and your family are protected. Fill in the form to make an appointment.